Architectural Expansion
The first phase of Fr. Palacios' massive scheme of construction began with the addition of a third floor to the North, i.e. the East to West wing. The additional floor up to the Biology staircase was reserved for the Fathers' residence and the rest accommodated the Biology laboratories. Bridges were also built on the second and third floors connecting the front building with the North wing.
The Biology Department crowned the initial operations. In April, 1935, the Chemistry shed was demolished and the work began of converting what was a dream into an architectural gem "of the purest ray serene". The magnitude of the labour involved can be gauged from the fact that the building operations went on apace till the end of 1936.
The year had begun well with the opening of the central building and the acquisition of a large plot of land at Parel. The Gymkhana Grounds were ready for the inauguration on 7th December, 1937 - the College Sports Day.
There were two other events of note in the same year. The General Library was shifted to the new central building and ample space was available for over 1,00,000 books and 6,000 bound volumes of periodicals . The College also accommodated and took charge of the Abdulla Fazalbhoy Technical Institute for Radio and Cinema which is now the St. Xavier's Technical Institute with its own spacious premises in a six storeyed building near Mahim Causeway.
Fr. Palacios touched nothing that he did not adorn. He turned his artistic attention to the hostel and made suitable changes in its outward appearance to bring it into line with the architectural style of the Science wing. More rooms were also added together with a tower. All this time Fr. Palacios was putting the finishing touches to the plans for his last and his best - the College Chapel ! Begun in 1937 it was completed under a new Principal, Fr. Aloysius M. Coyne (1940-1949), who had previously been the Rector and Principal of St. Xavier's High School.